All Japanese garden tools [New Arrivals] All bonsai tools All Japanese garden tools MASAKUNI(Tool maker) KIKUWA(Tool maker) KANESHIN(Tool maker) YAGIMITSU(Tool maker) Product list of bonsai pot Product list of High-value antique pot valuable price pot (ready‐made) Product list of bonsai Bonsai-related product Show: 10 20 30 50 100 Image: Small Medium Large In Stock Sort by: Please select Recommended Price: Low to high Price: High to low Bestselling Display: 214 items «prev.1...67891011 Stainless steel pruning shears [3011] 6,300円 Handmade garden shears [2109] 12,000円 Professional pruning shears [2001] 4,500円 Professional pruning shears [2002] 5,500円 Professional trimming shears (for pine needles) / 120mm blade [2009] 13,500円 Watering can, Tin / No.6 [1860] 3,200円 Watering can, Tin / No.5 [1853] 3,000円 Watering can, Tin / No.4 [1852] 2,700円 Agricultural nozzle, braze (No.61) [1828] 5,000円 Hemp-palm rope (Twice) / Black [1165] 360円 Watering can, plastic [1841] 1,250円 Long nozzle, copper 1200L [2833] 15,000円 Nozzle, copper 1200L [2832] 10,000円 Mist nozzle, copper 1200L [2830] 20,000円 «prev.1...67891011